hey fellas whats going on
I have no life.
hey fellas whats going on
I have no life.
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And, since you want to print the string repeatedly, no newline, try
You need to change your actual method signature
public String printStrings(String str, int number)
with this one
public void printStrings(String str, int number).
Hey could somone help me with this computer science problem?
Here's the problem:
"Write a method called printStrings that accepts a String and a number of repetitions as parameters and prints that String the given number of times. For example, the call:
printStrings("abc", 5);
will print the following output:
Here's what I have so far:
"public String printStrings(String str, int number){
for(int i = 1; i <= number; i++){
Here's the error message I'm getting:
"Your code did not compile. Please read and correct the errors below.
Line 6
Your method must return a value. If your method has multiple paths of execution (such as if/else statements), every path must contain a return statement. Also beware of nested if/else statements that end with an 'else if'.
missing return statement}
1 error"
I'm not sure why it's asking for a return statement when in the instructions it wants me to print of the string. Could someone help?
please help me regarding the recursion in c. :) thanks :)
how to display a page that has been in enscrypt. thank's
I definitely don't know anything about this subject, and I doubt anyone does among this small community…
Okay, so if you where to have a picture, and then have a certain thing in the image that you wanted to pick up, for example, a piece of paper, with a black W on it, and find its angles and where it is in the image. then, you can use it to do something like this:
Anyone want to help, or get me started?
I did some major bug fixing in my JRE, because it was malfunctioning for some reason. I am going to start on another project now, and could possible use your help.
Whoops… Sorry. I thought the Gnu JRE could be cross-compiled. My apologies.
I told you!! I run a mac. Mac has its own JRE.
That's the point. Java is evolving. The java collections framework is new, not deprecated.
(yes I can rewrite the code, with loss of readability, but I need the time, which I don't have during the exams)
EDIT: looked it up. The copyOf method is available only on JRE 1.6 and higher. It's only 5 lines so I can just copy-paste it and modify my code.
(It's your JRE that is deprecated, not my code :) )
NO, because I am running on a mac. The entire point of java is to be a client side programming language that is cross platform. In other words, you should use the lowest JRE you think your clients will run. Another option, is to use:
String version = System.getProperty("java.version");
Then use the different versions to not use deprecated methods or whatever.
Actually, for the largest part of newly created java code (at least the bigger projects) you need JRE 1.5 or higher, for the generic types. CopyOf works with ugly object casts in the lower versions, so I suggest you upgrade your JRE (for your own good if you want to ease your coding). I'll check if I find some time to fix it for you (exams right now, so…).
CopyOf is just a wrapper for System.arraycopy(). Do you have that method in your JRE libraries?
Yes, The Arrays.copyOf is the problem. Use a different method, so that many more JRE's can handle it.
Extract the jar file. It's inside :)
EDIT: use a standard zip-extractor program
yes. Source?